
Are you looking for a place to store your RV, Boat, Utility Trailer, Car or Storage item? We have a gated storage facility at our park. We are conveniently located about 5 minutes from the Homer Watson on-ramp to the 401. Rates vary depending on the size of your storage item and the duration of time you need storage. We offer daily, monthly, 6 months or yearly storage sites. Store with us, and you will have 24hr access to your storage items.

*Note*: No refunds for cancellations or early removal of items.

*Note*: Measurement of storage item is from bumper to hitch. 

Click here to download the Storage Agreement


1) You must place and maintain insurance on your storage items.

2) Use of storage is for storage only.

b) The following uses are permitted:
• Storage of item specified on your Storage Agreement.
• Checking in on your storage item.
• Dropping off or picking up your storage item.
• Dropping off or picking up items inside your storage item.

c) The following uses are not permitted:
• Staying for a longer period of time than is necessary for storage use. Examples: sleeping, preparing of food and eating or drinking, general enjoyment of storage item.
• Use of the campground for swimming, visiting campers, or general enjoyment.

3) You are not allowed to do service or maintenance work on your storage item. There are some exceptions to this rule, so if you need service or maintenance work done, please talk to the office.

4) Speed Limit is 15km/hr or less. Only You Can Prevent Speed Bumps. Drive Slow.

5) * Payments are to be made in a timely fashion. Payment can be made by Visa, Master Card, Debit, Cash, Cheque or eTransfer. 

* Storage clients that are past due on their storage payment may be charged the daily storage rate of $10+hst. Items left over 60 days without payment will be disposed of as per Storage and Liens Act, or will be charged a daily storage rate of up to $40+hst a day.

* No refunds for cancellations or early removal of items.

* If you are a current seasonal camper, were a seasonal camper last year, or you are renting two storage sites and you are in good standing. , you will receive a 10% discount.

* Storage rates are subject to change. 

6) If you are temporarily removing your storage item, and have a different item that will be there instead, please notify the office. Example; If you are picking up a motor home and leaving a vehicle.

7) If you are gone for 3 weeks or more, please notify the office.

8) No Smoking and no Vaping. The smoking or vaping of tobacco, cigarettes, or cannabis is prohibited in all common areas of the park. The storage area and roads in the park are considered common areas. The exception would be if you are a seasonal or overnight camper, and you are smoking on your seasonal or overnight campsite only. 

Other Information:
• We suggest you lock your hitch.
• We can winterize your trailer. See the office for pricing.
• If you need to access your storage item in the winter, please talk to the office in October.

How to Park:
• The back of your storage item should not extend past the site marker. 
• The drivers side needs to be as close to your site marker as possible, without blocking the marker. 
• Please refer to the blow photo for an example:

Storage 1